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Result for "novelty hats"

Party Hat People: Novelty Hat

You will be amazed at how much, fun, smiles, and laughter an awesome novelty hat can bring to your next party or special event.       People have been wearing fun costume hats for centuries now. From the early...

Assorted Marine Animal Hats
Starting at $16.00 CAD

Coachella Event Hats

That special time of year is once again upon us. It is time to pack your backpack and drive out into the desert with your best crew for a week of chill tunes, warm sun, and a whole lot of...

Easter Hats Selection 2018

With spring and melting snow, there comes a sense of rebirth and revitalization. Flowers dot the meadows, pollen dusts your car windshield, and everywhere things are growing and sprouting. To celebrate this time of year, we set aside a special...

Halloween Theme Costume Hats

  Humans have been dressing up in costumes for a long time. Whether the dramatic masks of ancient Greece or the caved Tikis of the South Pacific, the need for playful disguise is a deep part of human psychology. When...

St. Patrick's Day Hats

The weather is getting warmer every day here in the States, and the first blossoms can be seen tentatively budding out to bloom. That’s right folks, there is a bit of spring in the air these days, and it is...

Choose our awesome Halloween Hats

All Hallows’ Eve, conventionally known as “Halloween”, has long since lost its ancient druidic roots and become a time of childhood joy, fun and celebration of things that go bump in the night. With wonderful traditions of dress up, practical...

Sports Hats and Football Caps

The bone-crunching, heart-thumping, grand sport of America is just about back in session, and we here at the offices of could not be more pumped to welcome another season of football. Whoever you find yourself supporting this season, football...

Halloween Theme Costume Hats 2017

Halloween is definitely one of the best nights of the year when it comes to style and creative fashion. This makes it far and ahead our favorite holiday here at, and we’ve been hard at work coming up with...

Animal Designs Hats and Caps

There is a reason why we call dogs our best friends. Since they came in and cuddled around our campfires so long ago, canines have been the boon companions of people all over the world. But did you know that...

New Year's Hats Shop Guide

It feels like it was only yesterday when the fireworks announcing 2015’s arrival were bursting in the inky midnight sky. And yet, here we are already on the cusp of 2016. As the world makes its way towards the end...

Early Cinco de Mayo Styled Hats

Cinco de Mayo, or May the Fifth, has grown beyond its humble roots and is now a celebration of all things Latin American. Whether you hail from south of the border or not, this festival is a beautiful and unique...

St. Patrick’s Day Celebration Green Hats Guide

Did St. Patrick really drive the snakes off of Ireland, all those years ago? Who knows how to separate fact from fiction when it comes to such an old and wonderful story, but what we certainly do know is that...

Fall Hats Guideline & Patriot Day Sale 2018

The wind is swirling dead leaves, the kids are tucked away in their school books, and people begin to chat about football once again. Could it be? Is the blessed fall really making its way back to us at last?...

Break a Leg: Play Props and Costume Hats

Costumes are not just for Halloween. Putting on a play takes a lot of long and hard work. You have to rehearse for hours, memorize lines, design the stage, and pick a venue. The last thing that you are going...

Top Off the Joy with Hats the Sleigh !

Can you hear those sleighbells ringing? We certainly can. It has been a long time coming, but the Christmas season is finally upon us. And ‘tis the season to cozy up with those you love, exchange gifts and good tidings,...

Giraffe Hat
$15.00 CAD $42.00 CAD -64%

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Plush Animal Hat
Starting at $3.00 CAD
Pepper Hat
$31.00 CAD

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Plush Wolf Hat
$16.00 CAD $44.00 CAD -63%

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Kids Flush Animal Hat
$19.00 CAD $37.00 CAD -48%

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Child Felt Monkey Hat
Starting at $18.00 CAD

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Tail Velvet Dragon Hat
$28.00 CAD

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Yellow Green Velvet Animal Hat
$31.00 CAD

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Black Orange Velvet Animal Hat
$16.00 CAD $34.00 CAD -52%

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Coachella Hat Sale - Look Fabulous at Coachella

Coachella is nearly upon us! April 13th marks the beginning of this glorious festival featuring such big names as Beyoncé and Eminem. If you are planning on getting yourself there to take in some sunshine and groovy tunes, you’ll want...

The Birth of a Hat: Fedora

There are not many hats out there that have such a long and storied history than the fedora. Origins: The hat has become synonymous with the image of a 1930’s gangster. While the 1930’s gangster did a great deal to...

Independence Day Hat Sale - 2018

It is almost time to celebrate our national birthday here in the Land of the Free, and that means all sorts of wonderful things are just on the horizon. The taste of cold beer and cold watermelon, the sizzle of...

An Ode to the Timeless Cowboy Hat

Summer's Hottest Trend: The Cowboy Hat. The cowboy hat is itself more of a symbol than a headpiece. Heavy with the lore of the old west, these classic tough guy accessories evoke rugged independence, hardened outdoorsmanship, and epitomize the Western...

15% Off with celebration Hat!

It is almost time to let the good times roll! That’s right Kings and Queens, Mardi Gras season is fast approaching. And after you’ve caught all of the beads and sipped all the daiquiris, it will be time for a...

St. Patrick’s Day Green Hat Guide for Everyone

Can you smell that hint of spring lingering in the air? We surely can here at the offices of the internet’s must vernal of hat departments, and to celebrate this forward feeling our staff has got plans for a blowout...

St. Patrick's Day Hat Sale 2018

All across the land this spring, Irish eyes are smiling! That’s right lads, it is time to celebrate another St. Patrick’s Day! With parades, green beer, and a general excuse for fun and frivolity, St. Paddy’s Day is one of...

Hat's Off to Savings: Black Friday Deals Await!

Here at the offices of, we absolutely love this time of year. Not only do we appreciate the changing color of the leaves, the smell of coffee and all of the good food, but we also recognize that this...

Make Your Own Special Custom Designed Hat

There is nothing better than having things the exact way that you want them – customized to suit your tastes and entirely personalized to your unique sense of flair. At the end of the day, after all, our clothing says...

Happy Easter Sale 2020

All over the world, flowers are pushing themselves up from the soil, the temperature is rising, and a certain green hue has returned to the forests and the fields. That can only mean that spring is here. If you suffer...

St. Patty’s Day

All across the land, Irish eyes are smiling, the pipes are calling, and treasure is waiting at the end of every rainbow. That’s right folks, St. Patrick’s Day is nearly upon us, and if you’re planning a day of frivolity...

Guide to Back to School Fashion

Summer is winding down, and once the world has collectively overcome the torpor of this sweltering season there will be much to do. First and foremost on the agenda should be getting any young people in your life started back...

Fourth of July SALE - 20% OFF

It is about this time of year, when the grass grows fast and the watermelons get ripe, that we here in the US of A start to feel mighty patriotic about this great land of ours. With summer skies above...

Green Monday SALE 2020

Black Friday has come and gone, and what a smorgasbord of savings it turned out to be. But if you missed out on the big deals this year, there is no need to fret, because the season of deals is...

Back to School Sale

Back to School Sale is here and what a strange year it has been. If you have kids, they have likely been hanging around the house quite a bit lately. The big question is this: will the nations children be...