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Result for "scarves"

Rasta Scarves
$34.00 CAD

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Knit Scarf
Starting at $12.00 CAD

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Winter Gears 2018

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The kids are out of school, fresh snow is on the ground, and everywhere lights are popping up in suburban landscapes. If you are one of the lucky ones to have some...

Beanies and Hats for Winter

While you may be in love with chestnuts on an open fire, and a bit of Jack Frost nipping at your nose, the plain truth of the matter is that the weather has taken a turn for the harsh. Temperatures...

Winter Accessories & Happy New Year

How was your Christmas? Holly jolly we hope, and spent with the friends and family who are dearest to you. While most of the festivities are soon to come to an end, that cold weather shows few signs of abating...

Winter Sale 2020

Welcome to a brand-new decade! It feels like forever since the last blog, but we here at have been busily preparing for a big year in 2020. Although we must all buy new calendars, the seasons have yet to...

Winter Sale 2022!

The holiday season has finally passed, making way for the dawn of a new year. But while you are clearing up the mess of New Years Eve, you may just happen to glance at your calendar and realize just how...

Winter Fashion Accessories

You may know us as the internet’s leading source for hats and all things hat related, but did you also know that we here at are also the purveyors of all sorts of fine accessories? Why stop at hats...

New Year Trendy Fashion

It’s here! Last year’s calendar has been tossed aside in favor of the new, the fresh, and the wonderful: 2019. The year of the pig! We couldn’t be more excited at the offices of to talk about all the...

Winter Sale 2021

We’ve made it through 2020. How do you feel? While 2021 brings with it the hope of a whole new trip around the sun, we haven’t yet left the frosty grip of winter. In fact, in many places, the cold...

Valentine’s Day Gift Hat Guide

Valentine’s Day is approaching with all the speed of a heart-shaped arrow. Before it finds its mark in the hearts of lovebirds all over America, there is still time to get a bit gussied up for the occasion. In honor...

After Christmas Sale 2020

We here at the offices of absolutely adore this time of year. While Christmas comes with a flurry of activity – stockings to stuff, dinners to roast, and gifts to wrap – the period just after the big day...

Affiliate Program

It’s easy and free to join! has teamed with ShareAsale, a leading affiliate website to provide our new affiliates with the best money making opportunities on the web and is easy to join. Let's work together to help our...

Fall Sale 20% OFF

Could it really be so? Did we just witness a leaf falling from a tree?! Did the temperature finally drop from its high place on the thermometer? And to top it all off, the kids are back in school. What...

Holiday Gift Guide

The black Friday and cyber Monday sales were a fantastic success, and many wonderful deals were gobbled up by happy shoppers across the globe. However, as the year winds down to its conclusion, the season becomes less about consuming and...

New Year Day

2018 has been a spectacular year here at the offices of, but there comes a time when you are ready to declare, “Out with the old and in with the new.” That is certainly how we are feeling this...

Fall Sale is here! 25% Off Sitewide Sale!

Sports Hats and Football Caps The leaves aren’t the only thing falling this time of year. That’s right folks, it is time for our fabulous Fall Sale here at With the changing seasons comes changing fashion, and we are...

After Christmas Sale

The time to do your Christmas shopping has just about passed by. While there still may be a few waning moments in which to pick up something last-minute for those that you love, the majority of the deals and discounts...

15% off for law and enforcement day!

We are just coming out of the holidays, and a new year is upon us. While we’ve spent the last month or two considering how thankful we are for all of the blessings we can count, the thanks don’t stop...

After Christmas Sale 20% - 2022

The sleigh bells are fading, the eggnog has been drunk, and you have survived yet another Christmas. Hopefully everything went to plan, and the kiddos are thrilled with this year’s haul of presents. For the parents out there, you are...

Green Monday Sale - 20% OFF

Are you tiring of turkey sandwiches yet? We love our leftovers here at the offices of, but we always prefer our blowout sales to be fresh, new, and hot off the press. There has been a flurry of huge...

St. Patty's Day Sale 2020

Top of the morning to you all! Welcome back to the luckiest hat blog in all the land. What might you be looking for? Is it the latest in fashionable hats and stylish accessories? Why, look no further lads and...

Green Monday Sale 20% OFF

How was your Black Friday? Whether you stormed the retail department at your local big box store, or simply clicked a few links during Cyber Monday, we’d wager that your hunger for big savings hasn’t yet been satiated. After all,...

Mother's Day Hats Ideas

The time to knock out that Mother’s Day shopping is nearly at an end, and all filial sons and daughters with the opportunity are busily preparing to spend some quality time in honor of Mommy Dearest. Remember that this Sunday...

Business Hats for Women

September 22nd marks “Women in Business” day, a time to celebrate female accomplishment in the world of entrepreneurship and business. In light of this lesser known and lesser appreciated occasion, we here at are spotlighting our women’s business hats...

Mother's Day Hats Gift Ideas

Mother’s Day is less than a month away, and it is time for all the sons and daughters out there to start thinking about how to make this year special for the woman who brought you into this world. Being...

Valentine's Day SALE 2020

This week we’d like to take some time to address all you lovebirds out there. Whether you have been married for five decades, or are in those early butterflies-in-stomach stages of your relationship, mid-February represents a special time for all...

Snowboarding & Skiing Shop Guide

Winter is a great time to step out of your comfort zone and take a trip up to the mountains. Whether it is a ski outing up to some powdery crag or just eggnog by the fireside in a cozy...

Labor Day Sale 2020

Here's Labor day sale! Usually, when we look at the calendar and see that Labor Day has nearly arrived, we are blown away by just how fast time is passing. But this year feels a bit different. Labor Day is...

Back to School Sale

Are you enjoying your summer leisure? Well, best make hay while the sun shines, for it won’t be long before those school bells start a ’ringing. That’s right, kids across America will be back in class before they know it,...

Exploring the Legacy in Columbus

This is the time of year when the fun holidays just keep on coming. Before you start shopping for a jack-o-lantern and other assorted fall treats, make sure to circle October 8th on your calendar. Columbus Day is a holiday...

Valentine’s Day Sale 2022!

Although spring is still far in the distance, there is certainly love in the air come February. That’s because all things romance and courtship are celebrated each February 14th in an amorous holiday known as Valentine’s. We here at

Cold Winter Hats

Brrrrr…. It’s still quite chilly out there. While we’ve been enjoying our warm cups of cocoa fireside, we’ve been filling the quiet hours by dreaming up all sorts of wonderful and stylish cold winter hats for our customers to enjoy,...

Winter Accessories + Happy New Year

We are busily scribbling down our long list of New Year’s resolutions here at the offices of the internet’s leading provider of hats and Winter Accessories. At the top of a rather long and ambitious list we’ve set our sights...

Knit Snood Solid Scarf
Starting at $13.00 CAD

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Hat's Off to Savings: Black Friday Deals Await!

Here at the offices of, we absolutely love this time of year. Not only do we appreciate the changing color of the leaves, the smell of coffee and all of the good food, but we also recognize that this...

Labor Day SALE 20% OFF

Roll up your sleeves and slip on those work gloves, because now that the kiddies are headed back to school, it is time for everybody’s favorite three day weekend! That’s right: Monday, September 9th is a special day set aside...

Fall Sale 2020

Fall, with its cooler temps and windswept, shortening days just can't get here fast enough to satisfy us here at the offices of This summer has been a long, hot, balmy time of hurricanes and wildfires, and we are...

Spring Fashion

Can you detect that subtle hint of pollen on the cool March breeze? Have you seen the new growth exploding from the tips of branches? Is there a slight shade of green returning to the world around you? Why, that...

Mother's Day Sale - 25% Off Your Mother’s Day Purchase!

So, what did you get your mother for Mother’s Day last week? Ha! You should have seen the look of panic on your face! Don’t worry, we are just joshing you— the real date of Mother’s Day 2018 is May...