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Result for "kids"

Halloween Hat Guide of Uniform and Hero Hats

Halloween is one of the most magical times of year for a child. The leaves turn orange and the ground grows hard and frosty – and suddenly the idea of goblins, ghouls and witches is at the forefront of every...

American Flag Caps for 4th of July

It’s summer time in America! The watermelons are growing fat on their vines and the kids are running wild and free amongst the mosquitoes and tall grasses. What a great time of year to be part of the grand old...

Hat's Off to Savings: Black Friday Deals Await!

Here at the offices of, we absolutely love this time of year. Not only do we appreciate the changing color of the leaves, the smell of coffee and all of the good food, but we also recognize that this...

Happy St. Patrick's Day

It is that time of year when Irish eyes are smiling! That’s right, one of the biggest party days is almost upon us. Named for the patron saint of Ireland, St. Patty’s Day falls on March 17th. Hats and fun...

St. Patrick's Day Hats

The weather is getting warmer every day here in the States, and the first blossoms can be seen tentatively budding out to bloom. That’s right folks, there is a bit of spring in the air these days, and it is...

Happy Labor Day!

September 4th, 2023 is Labor Day, and we can’t wait. It has been so hot outside that these dog days of summer are really wearing us down, but there is light at the end of the tunnel! Not only does...

Green Monday Sale 2021

Now that you’ve put those leftovers away (and if you are like us, they lasted quite a while) it is time to turn our attention to the year’s end. If you’ve been out in any stores or malls lately, you...

Spring Sale 2021

Can you smell all the flowers blooming? Is the pollen in the air giving you an itchy nose and watery eyes? Do you feel a certain joie de vivre? Why, all of those things portend nothing more than the welcome...

Patriot Day Sale 2020

It is during this somber moment in September that we set aside a day to muse on all the things that we stand for as Americans: our values, cultures, and traditions. With cooling weather outside, the kids (mostly) going back...

Waldo Hat Mario Brothers Costume Guide

October is here and the world has gone spooky once again! Children and adults alike are filled with the awe and magic that descends on us at the start of what is sure to be another memorable holiday season. Those...

Early Halloween Sale 20% OFF - 2022

What a time to be alive! The leaves are bursting with color and the barely detectible scent of pumpkin spice is in the air. Temperatures are dropping, football is back in season and the kiddos are back in school. That...

Winter Sale 2021

We’ve made it through 2020. How do you feel? While 2021 brings with it the hope of a whole new trip around the sun, we haven’t yet left the frosty grip of winter. In fact, in many places, the cold...

Fall Sale 2020

Fall, with its cooler temps and windswept, shortening days just can't get here fast enough to satisfy us here at the offices of This summer has been a long, hot, balmy time of hurricanes and wildfires, and we are...

Goodbye Winter Hello Spring Sale 2020

Across much of the northern hemisphere, you may have noticed a change in the weather coming on bit by bit. The snow and ice that have encased the world for the past few months is beginning to thaw, leaving the...

Last Minute Shopping Halloween Costume Hats

It happens every year. Life gets busy, and you find yourself staring down a Halloween party just a few days away, with absolutely nothing in the way of a costume (or even a good idea for one). We’ve all been...

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sale

If you are lucky, you are probably stuffed full of turkey and cranberry dressing right now, likely lounged out with family and friends, getting ready to catch a football game or share that convivial glass of wine. Thanksgiving sure is...

Top 5 Summer Hats

Have you found your slice of summer paradise yet? Getting away and enjoying the warm weather means different things to all of us, but for the vast majority of summer travelers, style is an important consideration. It’s not enough just...

Cool Summer Visor Hats

Summer is right around the bend, bringing with it balmy temperatures and long, sunshiny days. The kids are going to be out of school soon, and it is time for both young and old to get outdoors and enjoy the...

Summer is Over: Back to School Shopping Guide

School is back. That Dreaded Moment is Almost Here While there is still plenty of summer left, that dreaded day is steadily approaching. There are three words that children of all ages dread...Back To School shopping! Those three words put...