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Result for "wide brim"

Your New Favorite Hat: The Fedora Hat

The most comfortable hat in the world. I don’t always wear hats, but when I do, I wear a fedora hat. If you have never experienced the joy that a fedora brings, do yourself a favor and give one a...

Coachella Festival SALE

The Coachella Music Festival is on its way, and doors for this awesome event open April 12th. A bastion of great music, food, art and fun, we here at the offices of are super excited for this once a...

Coachella Style Hats

April is a special time for us here at the offices of – the week of 4/14 in particular. It is this auspicious date that marks to beginning of Coachella Music Festival. The festival, in case you haven’t heard,...

Best Last Minute Ideas for Mother's Day Gift

Sunday, May 8th is Mother’s day, and there isn’t much time left to get in those last minute Mother's Day Gift orders or to snag those eleventh hour brunch reservations at Mom’s favorite spot. But don’t start to panic just yet,...

Coachella & Stagecoach Outfit Guide

Spring is a time for music. With the weather warming in earnest the merrymaking season is definitely in full bloom, and concerts and music festivals are ready to rock us into the coming months. Two music festivals in particular strike...

Express Yourself: American Flag

4th of July Fun in the Sun The time is upon us to load up on watermelons and beer, crack off some fireworks and fire up the barbeque. That’s right, it’s the season to celebrate the birth of our nation...

Top 4 Summer Vacation Destinations

Our Favorite Summer Vacation Spots for 2015.   Summer vacation is a time of highs and lows. The sun above brings bright days, but it is often oppressive in its heat. While many people may have extra free time during...

A World of Color: Sun Hat

So many people are satisfied living in a mundane, black and white world. A World of Color Life offers so many wonderful vibrant colors, especially during springtime. A black and white world is not a world that we want to...

Summer Sale 2021

It is getting hot out there! We here at the offices of have been indulging in some air conditioner and ice cream cones as the world turns up the heat. Summer is a great time to do a bit...

Early Gift Ideas for Mother's Day Hats

So, what did you get your mother last week for Mother’s day? Oh man, you should have seen the look on your face! But seriously, don’t worry, Mother’s Day is still a few weeks away (May 14th, to be exact)....

Mother's Day Sale - 25% Off Your Mother’s Day Purchase!

So, what did you get your mother for Mother’s Day last week? Ha! You should have seen the look of panic on your face! Don’t worry, we are just joshing you— the real date of Mother’s Day 2018 is May...

Coachella Event Hats

That special time of year is once again upon us. It is time to pack your backpack and drive out into the desert with your best crew for a week of chill tunes, warm sun, and a whole lot of...

Labor Day Sale 2021

How long can summer possibly last? Temperatures are up, and we have now slid into the so called “dog days.” We here at the offices of have been lazily lounging about, fanning ourselves and drinking cold iced tea as...

Mother's Day SALE 2019

So how was your Mother's Day last week? Did you get your mother something nice? Ha! We got you, didn’t we? No worries, there is still time to grab a present for Mommy Dearest. After all, Mom is a super...

Strawsome Summer Straw Hats

It is finally time for the sun to show its smiling face again. While much of the East coast is still living under the white cloud of one of the harshest winters we have ever seen, there is a light...

Introducing our trending Fedora Hats

The West has long had a sort of “on again off again” love affair with the fedora. At times, it has come to symbolize different things, and gone in and out of style in a cycle that has at last...

The Birth of a Hat: Fedora

There are not many hats out there that have such a long and storied history than the fedora. Origins: The hat has become synonymous with the image of a 1930’s gangster. While the 1930’s gangster did a great deal to...

Early Cinco de Mayo Styled Hats

Cinco de Mayo, or May the Fifth, has grown beyond its humble roots and is now a celebration of all things Latin American. Whether you hail from south of the border or not, this festival is a beautiful and unique...

Halloween Sale 30% OFF - 2022

Howdy boys and girls. We hope you are having a wonderful fall so far, filled to the brim with pumpkin spice, piles of colorful leaves, and lots of awesome tailgating. As I’m sure you are aware, judging by all the...

Summer Outdoor Hat

Ah the great outdoors! Brilliant blue skies with billowing clouds, flowers swaying in the breeze, the river trickling against the smooth rocks. What a great way to spend a day, a week, or an entire season. Whatever you are up...

Labor Day Hats Sale

Can you believe that Labor Day is nearly here already? My, how the year has flown by! But the holiday and the cool weather it promises to bring is more than welcome here at the offices of But besides...

Top 5 Summer Hats

Have you found your slice of summer paradise yet? Getting away and enjoying the warm weather means different things to all of us, but for the vast majority of summer travelers, style is an important consideration. It’s not enough just...

Accessories from

When we meet someone with multiple jobs and responsibilities, we often say that this person “wears many hats”. Now that Halloween celebrations are coming to an end and the colder, more somber months of the year are right around the...

The Birth: Bowler Hat, Derby Hats and Top Hat

The birth of a hat is the most momentous event in the life of a hat...   Origins: The bowler, derby, and top hat are similar yet differ in a few major ways. We will start with the bowler hat....

All About the Hat- Derby Days

Talk Derby to me. To many, the Kentucky Derby is known as the "most exciting two minutes in sports." Respectfully, we believe that the Kentucky Derby is the "most exciting event in hat fashion." What better way to usher in...

2.75" Brim Fedora Hat
$154.00 NZD

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Big Size Wool Felt Upbrim Panama Hat
$75.00 NZD

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Wool Hats Introduced for Fall Wear

Now that you’ve had your fill of turkey and dressing, it is time for us to announce our huge Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale! That’s right friends of, our big bonanza launches today, with more awesome discounts and deals than...

Get Outdoors with Outdoor Hats

Things are heating up here in the northern hemisphere, and all the majestic glory of nature is in full bloom. We here at the offices of have been spending plenty of time outdoors, enjoying the beauties of the season....

Happy Kentucky Derby Day

This is a great time of year to be in America. The pollen has somewhat subsided, but the weather is still lovely and the world has gone green and fresh. It also is a time that happens to coincide with...

Welcome to Summer Sale

We’ve entered the long an arduous mid to late summer here in the northern hemisphere, and it is scorching outside. We hope your A/C is in tip-top working order, and that your ice machine produces copious amounts of cubes for...

Outdoor Hats for family Camping

Ah, the great outdoors. Science knows it as well as common sense – getting outside is good for the heart and mind. There are few things more relaxing than a well thought out trip to the wild outdoors, and it...

Fashion Hat Guide for Kentucky Derby

Kentucky Derby Hats Held annually on the first Sunday of May (which happens to fall on the first of the month this year), the famed Kentucky Derby of Louisville is an event as fashionable as it is entertaining. Sometimes called...

Women's Polyester Elastic Back Visor
$33.00 NZD

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Wrinkle Roll Up Sun Scarf Visor
Starting at $27.00 NZD

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Ladies Jacquard Mesh Hat
$29.00 NZD
Wide Brim Straw Hats
$54.00 NZDSold out

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Mexican Style Wide Brim Safari Hat
$64.00 NZDSold out