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New Patch Caps

We sometimes live in a bit of a “cookie-cutter” world when it comes to fashion. It can be challenging to find a style that is unique to you. To be able to broadcast a message that is all your own,...

Valentine’s Day SALE

Love is in the air here at the offices of! While spring may be months away, the season of romance and chocolate is nearly upon us. That’s right, Valentine’s Day is almost here! Cupid is surely stringing up his...

Super Bowl Sale 2019

We here in The States just can’t get enough football! While the regular season might be over, the playoffs have run their course, leaving only two teams to duke it out in a little something we American’s like to call...

Cold Winter Hats

Brrrrr…. It’s still quite chilly out there. While we’ve been enjoying our warm cups of cocoa fireside, we’ve been filling the quiet hours by dreaming up all sorts of wonderful and stylish cold winter hats for our customers to enjoy,...

Winter SALE 2019

The New Year has arrived, and even though that New Year’s Eve party might have been hot, lit, on fire (and any other warm slang the kids are using these days), the temperature outside is, in fact, still quite nippy....

New Year Trendy Fashion

It’s here! Last year’s calendar has been tossed aside in favor of the new, the fresh, and the wonderful: 2019. The year of the pig! We couldn’t be more excited at the offices of to talk about all the...

New Year Day

2018 has been a spectacular year here at the offices of, but there comes a time when you are ready to declare, “Out with the old and in with the new.” That is certainly how we are feeling this...

Green Monday Sale! 2018

This time of year is fantastic for those among us who cherish a good deal. We have Black Friday and its viral Youtube videos, featuring throngs of big box store shoppers chomping at the bit to get at the slashed...

Patched Cap for Veterans Day

Sunday, November 11th marks an important holiday here in the old U.S. of A. That’s right fellow patriots, Veteran’s Day is nearly upon us. If you missed the Veteran’s Day sale last week, have no fear. We still have loads...

Halloween Costume Ideas

Boo! Did we scare you? Didn’t think so. Jump scares, unfortunately, rarely come across in text format. What does (hopefully) come across, is that Halloween, and the accompanying explosion of cool and fashionable costumes, is right around the corner. October...

Golf Hat for You 2018

Do you hear the call of the links? We here at sure do! There is just something about being out there on a sunny day amidst all the green grass and swaying trees. Golf has a way of relaxing...

Business Hat for Women

October is National Women’s Small Business Month, and to celebrate, we are here to talk about all of the awesome lady’s hats on offer this fall. A good women’s business hat should be stylish, formal but not pretentious, practical but...

Fall Sale is here! 25% Off Sitewide Sale!

Sports Hats and Football Caps The leaves aren’t the only thing falling this time of year. That’s right folks, it is time for our fabulous Fall Sale here at With the changing seasons comes changing fashion, and we are...

Labor Day Sale! 25% OFF!

The men and women who built this country have a special day in early September, a time we set aside to pay respect to the blood and toil that went into making our country what it is today. That’s right,...

Sportsman Hats 2018

Summer is full of glorious opportunities for the sportsman. Whether pulling trout out of a crystal stream up in the mountains, birdwatching in some primeval forest, or prepping your hunting area for the coming fall, sportsmen across America are getting...

Back to School Sale

Are you enjoying your summer leisure? Well, best make hay while the sun shines, for it won’t be long before those school bells start a ’ringing. That’s right, kids across America will be back in class before they know it,...

Summer Vacation Sale

Summer vacation still has a few weeks left, and now may be your last chance to step out into the world for a bit of fun before the doldrums of fall return us all to reality. So, where do you...

Summer Outdoor Hat

Ah the great outdoors! Brilliant blue skies with billowing clouds, flowers swaying in the breeze, the river trickling against the smooth rocks. What a great way to spend a day, a week, or an entire season. Whatever you are up...

Welcome to Summer Sale

We’ve entered the long an arduous mid to late summer here in the northern hemisphere, and it is scorching outside. We hope your A/C is in tip-top working order, and that your ice machine produces copious amounts of cubes for...

Patriotic Hat Guide for July 4th

Here in the U.S., a very important national holiday is just on the horizon. That’s right, it’s the time we celebrate the birthday of our great nation – The Fourth of July. And if you are like us here at...

Independence Day Hat Sale - 2018

It is almost time to celebrate our national birthday here in the Land of the Free, and that means all sorts of wonderful things are just on the horizon. The taste of cold beer and cold watermelon, the sizzle of...

Summer Vacation Hat

The dog days of summer are setting in, and if you are anything like us your thoughts are beginning to be filled with wanderlust. No matter who you are or what you do, summer is a fantastic time to stop...

Our Father's Day Hat Sale - 2018

Dear old Dad can often go underappreciated. Whatever your relationship with the old man might be, chances are he deserves some respect and admiration on his special day. June 17th marks Father’s Day 2018 in the US, so it is...

The Perfect Summer Hats for Your Dad

Warm enough for you? You might have heard this mildly annoying question asked more than once of late, and that is because It is hot hot hot out there. Depending on where you are in the world, you may be...

Hats for Mom

Mother’s Day 2018 is approaching fast as this blog is being written, so hopefully you’ve sorted the dear lady out with something spectacular and meaningful this year. But remember, particularly if you are coming a bit late to the game,...

Mother's Day Sale - 25% Off Your Mother’s Day Purchase!

So, what did you get your mother for Mother’s Day last week? Ha! You should have seen the look of panic on your face! Don’t worry, we are just joshing you— the real date of Mother’s Day 2018 is May...

Early Cinco de Mayo Styled Hats

Cinco de Mayo, or May the Fifth, has grown beyond its humble roots and is now a celebration of all things Latin American. Whether you hail from south of the border or not, this festival is a beautiful and unique...

2018 Spring Hat Sale

You can’t stop spring from coming. No matter how frozen the landscape may appear wherever you are, you can trust that the world is warming and bracing for the rebirth of spring. And with the coming of warmer weather, times...

Baseball Season - Baseball Caps

Can you smell that. The fresh cut grass? The hotdogs and cold beer? And can you hear that? The crack of the bat, the roar of the crowd, the national anthem being played over loudspeakers? Well, those sights and sounds...

Coachella Event Hats

That special time of year is once again upon us. It is time to pack your backpack and drive out into the desert with your best crew for a week of chill tunes, warm sun, and a whole lot of...

Easter Hats Selection 2018

With spring and melting snow, there comes a sense of rebirth and revitalization. Flowers dot the meadows, pollen dusts your car windshield, and everywhere things are growing and sprouting. To celebrate this time of year, we set aside a special...

St. Patrick's Day Hat Sale 2018

All across the land this spring, Irish eyes are smiling! That’s right lads, it is time to celebrate another St. Patrick’s Day! With parades, green beer, and a general excuse for fun and frivolity, St. Paddy’s Day is one of...

New Embroidered Hats

Spring is in the air, and with the return of flowers and warm days, a change of wardrobe is in the cards for many people across the world. With spring cleaning comes increased closet space, and what better way to...

St. Patrick's Day Hats

The weather is getting warmer every day here in the States, and the first blossoms can be seen tentatively budding out to bloom. That’s right folks, there is a bit of spring in the air these days, and it is...

New Designed Embroidered Caps

We hope all of you out there had a most excellent Valentine’s Day this year and that you gave and received thoughtful gifts for the occasion. However, the year is moving right along, and there are other auspicious dates coming...

Valentine’s Day Hat

We are well on our way to the most romantic day of the year. Don’t worry, those of you in amorous relationships still have plenty of time to pick up a thoughtful Valentine’s Day hat for that special person in...

Super Bowl Hats for You

The die has been cast, the playoff games are in the bag, and the two contestants for this year’s Super Bowl have finally been decided. Whether or not your team made the cut, Americans all seem to agree that a...

Winter Fashion Hats & 25% OFF Winter Sale

Now that the holidays are over, it is time to keep those New Year’s resolutions. Whether your goal for 2018 is just to get in shape or run a marathon, revitalizing your wardrobe is a great first step in furtherance...

Winter Trip Gear 2017

What could possibly make the festive Christmas season even better? A winter trip of course! Taking some time to step out of your comfort zone, to experience some new sights and sounds this Christmas may be just what the doctor...

Green Monday Sale - 2017

Black Friday has already blown through, hopefully having left you with some sweet new gear for your home or wardrobe. But you certainly aren’t tired of the colorfully named days just yet, are you? We hope not because it is...