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Father's Day Sale - 20% OFF

Dear old Dad can often go criminally underappreciated. If you are lucky enough to have a pater familias in your life who is strong and responsible, you want to make sure and take as many opportunities as possible to shower him with your love and respect. On Sunday, June 16th, we here in the US of A set aside some time to do just that, on a little calendar event we like to call “Father’s Day”.

What’s that? You’d nearly forgotten it was coming up? Well have no fear, because we here at are super appreciative of all the fathers out there. In order to celebrate this awesome fatherly holiday, we are holding yet another of our big, blowout sales. Between June 8th and 13th, you have the opportunity to shave an entire 20% off of your cart. Now that’s a chip off the old block if you ask us! Let’s check out some thoughtful and unique gifts for the old man this year, shall we?

father's day sale

Father's Day Fedoras

The humble fedora, once fallen out of style, is making a huge comeback. With shows like “Mad Men” and others, the fedora has stumbled back into the macho spotlight for men across the western world. Now, during our awesome Father’s Day Sale, you can scoop up this urbane and classic look for a fraction of the cost, keeping your old man suave into his golden years. What’s not to like?

Father's Day Cowboy Hats

If your dad has a personality as big and bold as the West itself, why not grab a ten gallon hat to celebrate the old man’s larger than life attitude? These iconic hats are a symbol of American heritage, and look particularly good on rugged, aged men! If your pops fits that category, check out our wide selection and help your dad ride in style!

Father's Day #1 Dad Caps

Your dad is the best, the bees knees, the top man for the job of being your father. So why not let him know just how you feel about his accomplishments? With the number one dad cap, along with other custom embroidered patches, you can let dad know how large he looms in your eyes and heart. Send the old man a gift that lets him broadcast his pride and joy to the rest of the world, now 20% off during our Father’s Day Sale!

Father's Day Flat Caps

Another classic look is found in the humble flat cap. This look has never gone out of style, and remains as handsome and cool as it ever was. If your dear old dad fancies himself as a bit of a fashionista, then except no substitute this Father’s Day!

Dad is the man. Quite literally! So let him know how you feel with a thoughtful gift this June 16th. You’ll make him proud by being thrifty and saving a whopping 20% during our Father’s Day Sale, going on from the 8th to the 13th.

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