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Happy Cinco De Mayo Sale
In early May, folks here in the USA set aside a little time to honor and celebrate all things south of the border. The traditions, the food, the ...

Father's Day Sale - 20% OFF
Dear old Dad can often go criminally underappreciated. If you are lucky enough to have a pater familias in your life who is strong and responsi...

Halloween Costume Ideas
Boo! Did we scare you? Didn’t think so. Jump scares, unfortunately, rarely come across in text format. What does (hopefully) come across, is that ...

Independence Day Hat Sale - 2018
It is almost time to celebrate our national birthday here in the Land of the Free, and that means all sorts of wonderful things are just on the ho...

Summer Hats for Men and Women
The grass is growing long and green and the mosquitos are buzzing in the night. Summer, in all its glories, is finally upon us. The humid weather ...

Hats for Mom
Mother’s Day 2018 is approaching fast as this blog is being written, so hopefully you’ve sorted the dear lady out with something spectacular and m...