The next generation of our country are going to be so much different than the youth that have come before it. These kids have had technology at their fingertips for their entire lives. Many of the younger generation might never have even heard of a land line telephone or even know what a cassette tape is. These young minds are who we will be turning over the country to in a few short years. The children are our future so keeping them happy, healthy and educated is the key to the future success of our country.
One way to keep your child healthy is by keeping them protected from harmful UV rays. Keeping your children protected from the sun has never been more important than it is today. Youth hats are a great way to keep you children protected. With the degradation of our ozone layer and atmosphere, the sun’s harmful rays are as powerful as ever. We protect everything that we love in this world and nothing is more important than our children. The proper head wear can go a very long way in keeping your child protected. With the proper head wear you can not only keep yourself protected from the sun but your child will look great as well.

This generation has had the most information and technology available to them. They have all the tools needed to succeed. We have put together a helpful list to help you make sure that technology is not taking over your child's life.
It is really important to limit the amount of time that your children spend with this emerging technology. There are several reason why you should limit your child's use of smartphones and tablets. Any time a child sits inactive is not good for their development. Secondly, having your children disconnect gives them the chance for their imagination and creativity to grow. Social skills are also something that cannot be learn while looking at a display. Not to mention obesity, sleep disorders, and other behavior related consequences related to high amounts of screen time.

- Many smart phones and tablet have setting where you can limit the usage time your child can have with the device. (Check the settings menu of your respective device for more info)
- Children Age 2-8 should be allowed no more than 1-2 hours of screen time per day. Any more can be detrimental to their development.
- If the device is able to help the child learn or pick up a useful skill, a little extra screen time is alright.
- Holding family meetings might be met with eye rolling, and/or groans, but can be very helpful in teaching your children the importance of social problem solving.
- Another great tool is to let your children earn screen time, that way your child understands that being well rounded is an important part of being an adult
- Something tough for some parents to do is lead by example. You cannot tell you kids to get off their devices if you are nose deep in yours.
- Setting limits is great but don't make them too extreme, kids fight back against extreme limitations. They are hard to enforce and not effective.
- Be involved in what your children are doing on their phones. tablets and computers. You might be even to learn a thing or two from your kids.
The youth has changed greatly over the last century
Hats for kids have sure come a long way in the last 50 years or so. The picture above speaks volumes on how hats for kids have evolved. One of the most popular youth styles every year is our youth fedoras. A fedora offers the best of both worlds allowing you to look cool while you stay protected. A child fedora can be worn with almost any outfit and the myriad of colors and styles will make even the pickiest child happy. You painstakingly look out for your child whether it is their diet, who they hang out with, what they watch on TV, their health and hundreds of other aspects of their lives. What they are wearing is just as important as anything else.
Be sure to also check out the great sun visors we have available for children. A visor offers a more minimalist approach to sun protection and gives your child’s head room to breathe while at the very same time offering great sun protection. I believe a cotton visor offers the best level of comfort for children with sensitive heads and can offer you at least a little peace of mind that your child is protected from the sun when they are enjoying the spring and summer months and more importantly, enjoying being a kid. Shop for youth hats with your little one showing them the options we have and you are both sure to find the youth hat that you both can agree on. We need to protect our children to protect our future and youth hats or caps are a great way to do that. The youth is starting to change, are you, starting to change.

Dealing with children can sometimes be tough. Check out our Back-To School Shopping Guide to help both you and your children make that part of the year no so difficult. The guide not only tells you great places to find youth hats for less, but how to emotionally prepare both you and your child for the school year.