A quick reminder to all of our e4Hats.com blog readers: we are having a monster “Cyber Monday” sale coming up on 11/30 (the Monday after Thanksgiving). Don’t miss this chance to knock out some of your holiday shopping at some of the lowest prices of the year. If you’ve been thinking about picking out a nice hat for yourself or someone special, there is no better time! You’re are sure to find a spectacular deal, so don’t hesitate.
Now, on to this week’s post about winter fashion.
It is getting seriously cold out there, and bundling yourself up with enough layers to keep cozy is an important practical concern as the holiday season gets under way. Thankfully, with a little help from e4Hats.com, you can keep toasty without sacrificing your unique sense of style. Let’s take a look at some of the fashion that is heating up as temperatures drop around the northern hemisphere.
So much of the clothing we wear is produced in far-flung foreign countries. While there is nothing wrong with that, it is nice to take a little pride once and a while and support the home team. Our wide selection of beanies made right here at home will help you do just that while looking like a fashionable patriot in the process.
From the French word for “bell” these women’s hats emblematic of the roaring twenties are once again all the rage this winter season. If you are going for that “Gatsby” era look this winter, these items are the perfect ‘gilded’ topping for your retro outfit— and plenty warm as well.
Another hot item this winter is the classic fedora – an old-school look that has never truly gone out of style. Keep the Mad Men fashion alive with our selection of felt fedoras, perfectly suited for the chilly weather and a glass of scotch on the rocks. Don’t forget the Bing Crosby LP records.
We’ve looked at some fine and practical winter hats thus far, but if you genuinely live in a cold place it may be time that we got a bit more serious. Those of you from the great white north will need something hardier and more insulating against the biting cold. Look no further than the “trapper” hat, a traditional headpiece worn by pioneers and outdoors men for centuries past and still appreciated by anyone who has ever felt a chill north wind while shoveling their driveway out on a heavy day of snow.
Of course, we can’t forget about the youth. The very young have an even tougher time during winter as they may not be as well insulated as we adults for the coming cold. Keep the tots toasty with our wide selection of winter wear for young’uns.
Why fight the crowds this Black Friday when you can sit by the hearth with your laptop, drink and football flowing, and order wintery accessories from the internet’s one-stop hat shop? Check out all of the warmth radiating out of e4Hats.com, we’ll keep the fire going for you!