Sunday, November 11th marks an important holiday here in the old U.S. of A. That’s right fellow patriots, Veteran’s Day is nearly upon us. If you missed the Veteran’s Day sale last week, have no fear. We still have loads of Veteran’s Day patched cap in stock at prices that with knock your socks off. From camo for hunting season to theater of war patches for your winter accessories, we’ve got everything you need to honor the men and women who keep old glory flying high above this great nation! This week we are featuring our custom embroidered and patched Veteran’s Day hats. So let’s get a little creative and see what we can come up with, shall we soldier?

Basic Veteran’s Patched Cap
Sometimes, a simple design is all you need to get the point across. With these basic designs, you communicate a lot with very little. Check out a cap with the word “Veteran” simply emblazoned on the crown. Or maybe the word “soldier” or “PoW”. Whatever is appropriate for the veteran in your life, we are happy to help them make a statement that leads them to find their tribe!
Patriotic Patches
Veteran’s Day goes hand in hand with old-fashioned American patriotism. However, it really doesn’t matter where in the world you hail from, a love of home is a fairly universal human experience. So, if your home sweet home happens to have a flag or symbol associated with it, why not slap it on the front of an all-American baseball cap and wear that puppy with pride? Just in time for Veteran’s Day, we have a wide assortment of custom embroidered patches every bit as patriotic as we are. So head on over and pledge allegiance to your hat!
Theatre of War Patched Cap
Were you or someone you know embroiled in a specific moment in history? Why not broadcast that? Our Veteran hats definitely helps you to find other people with similar experiences, and there are loads of lasting friendships that have been formed by old soldiers helping each other through a past trauma. Whether it was Desert Storm or all the way back to Korea, we’ve got you covered this Veteran’s Day holiday. Thank you for your service! Let's check out our Veterans patched cap!
Military Branch Patches
There seems to be a healthy bit of competition between the armed services: The Navy, Airforce, Army, Marines, Green Berets, etc. all claiming that they are the toughest, most rough-and-ready outfit there is! We won’t get involved in this time-honored debate, but we will make sure you have the custom embroidered hat or accessory you need to fully represent your side! Check out these patches that go perfect on gym bags, backpacks, hats, or beanies!
The 11th of November this year is a special, somewhat somber day. However, you decide to remember the occasion, make sure that you do remember it. The service men and women who have fought for us deserve to be honored on this day! Happy Veteran’s Day from