It’s getting hot out there, and if you’re anything like us, you’ve got the beach towels, the sunscreen, and the icy cold brews ready. If you ask the thermometer, there is no doubt that summer is in full swing here in the Northern hemisphere. With long, hot days, there is no better time a year to get outdoors, work on your tan, and have a bit of fun in the sun with the people that mean the most to you. We here at the offices of look to the summer as a time of hot fashion trends! In order to make sure you look as fit as a fiddle all summer long, we are unveiling our huge Welcome to Summer SALE. Starting on the Fourth of July (how appropriate!), and lasting through the 13th, you can save 20% on all purchases made at! Now that’s a reason to celebrate. Let’s look at some fashionable ways to beat the heat this year, shall we?

Summer Straw Hats
Lightweight material is of the utmost importance once summer arrives, and you’ll want to make sure that whatever hat you don this year is super breathable and light. Straw makes a fantastic material for a summer hat, and is a great way to protect yourself from the harmful rays of the sun without turning the top of your head into a humid, sweaty, swampland! That’s not to mention that the rustic style is totally in this year, so check out our straw hats during the Welcome to Summer Sale and save big!
The trusty visor hat is a staple for hot weather golfers and other outdoor enthusiasts. While it leaves the very top of your head exposed (and thus not recommended for those with a bald spot) the simple brim keeps that glaring sun out of your eyes, leaving you to concentrate on that birdie!
Panama Hats
The actual origin of the humble Panama hat is enough to stir some lively debate among south/central Americans, with Ecuadorians insisting that the hat actually comes from their own lovely country. Whatever the historical truth may be, a more suave and debonair summer hat is truly hard to find. We’ve got tons of styles and forms to choose from, all of them super breathable and stylish. Check them out during the Summer Sale and get some tropical style in your life.
Bucket Hats
Outdoorsmen have it rough come summer, particularly in hotter climates. Thankfully, the bucket hat is just what the doctor ordered for all you July fishermen out there. Rugged and durable, it really protects your head from the elements. So why not catch a few during our awesome Summer Sale?
However you decide to spend these balmy hot months, be sure to check in from time to time with your good time buddies here at the offices of We’ve got everything you need to make this sizzling month a memorable one! So get out there and make hay while the sun shines!