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Hats & Caps

If you are like us, then you spend most of your waking hours at work. Perhaps, also like us, you look back fondly on summers past, when a respite...

4th of July Sale
Mmm…the smell of apple pie, the cracking of fireworks, the heat rising up off of the damp asphalt. Summer, in the minds of many Americans, is oft...

Father’s Day Sale
If you are lucky enough to have a wonderful father in your life, you must never miss an opportunity to honor and appreciate him. June presents on...

Memorial Day Sale 2022
Spring went by far too quickly for our liking, here at the offices of We hardly got to stop and smell the roses, yet it already feels...

Mother's Day Sale 2022
How was your Mother's Day celebration this year? Did you get her something nice? We almost got you there! The same trick every year and you keep...

e4Hats Anniversary Sale 2022
Everybody loves a good birthday celebration. From the delicious cake to the presents, to those you cherish wishing you many happy returns – a bi...

Valentine’s Day Sale 2022!
Although spring is still far in the distance, there is certainly love in the air come February. That’s because all things romance and courtship ...

Winter Sale 2022!
The holiday season has finally passed, making way for the dawn of a new year. But while you are clearing up the mess of New Years Eve, you may j...

After Christmas Sale 2021
Have you had your fill of holiday cheer? We hope you didn’t overindulge in eggnog and pie, and that the Christmas unwrapping went swimmingly, wi...

Green Monday Sale 2021
Now that you’ve put those leftovers away (and if you are like us, they lasted quite a while) it is time to turn our attention to the year’s end....

Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sale 2021
If you’ve got the table set, the turkey roasting, and the football game on, that can only mean that Thanksgiving is right around the corner. T...

Veteran's Day Sale 2021
This year is flying by and shows no signs of slowing down so that we may stop and smell the roses. We truly hope you enjoyed your Halloween tr...