It’s that time of year again. All across America sprinklers are chirping away on green lawns, the grass is growing tall and verdant, and air conditioning bills are through the roof! Well, it’s not all bad news, these are just a few signs that the 4th of July is right around the corner.
In honor to celebrate our national Independence Day in fine style, we here at are having a sale as every bit as dazzling as those bottle rockets and sparklers you are planning to light up on this balmy summer eve. So, light up the grill, slice into that ripe watermelon, grab a cold beverage of your choice, and get ready America!
From June 27th to July 2nd, you can save 20% off of your entire cart during our annual blowout 4th of July Sale. That’s 20% more FREE. If you think of your savings like a fresh apple pie, that is a pretty healthy slice to say the least! Now let’s look at some of the things you might buy with this whopper of a discount, shall we?

Trucker Hats
They keep the wheels of our nation turning. What could be more American during a summer fiesta than an old school Trucker's Hats? These mesh caps are breathable, iconic, and every bit as indispensable as the American trucker himself! Now with 20% off, you can have your perfect 4th of July shipped to you before the first fireworks start.
4th of July Patriotic Hats
Let us not forget the meaning behind the holiday. Why not deck yourself out in some stars and stripes to show your holiday spirit this Independence Day? Whether it is something silly like a grand old Uncle Sam top hat, or something more somber like a hat honoring our vets, we’ve got just what you need to give your cookout the vibe you are looking for. It’s meant to be a time of celebration after all, so check out what we’ve been cooking up in our epic e-catalogue.
It’s barely a hat at all! We kid, but the humble visor really is a minimalist’s dream! We’ve got a dizzying array of styles, shapes, colors and sizes for you to choose from, all with a big bite cut out of the bottom line. Check them out today, and stay in the shade all summer long.
Outdoor Hats for Ladies
If you are looking for a slightly more elegant way to beat the heat this 4th of July, then look no further than our big selection of women's summer hats. We’ve got all kinds of straw numbers to keep you cool and relaxed throughout the festivities. Check it out and save 20%!
However you decide to celebrate the 4th of July, we hope that you will see this all-American holiday as a great excuse to get outdoors, grill up some plump hot dogs, perhaps light a firecracker or two, and just enjoy.