In early May, folks here in the USA set aside a little time to honor and celebrate all things south of the border. The traditions, the food, the music, the people: the great nation of Mexico is certainly worth celebrating. May the fifth, or “Cinco De Mayo” as it is called en Espanol, was originally a military celebration to commemorate a victorious battle in a war against France. France later went on to win the war, but ex-pat Mexicans living in California kept the spirit of the holiday alive with festive celebrations, fireworks and drinks.
Nowadays, the holiday is up there with St. Patrick’s Day as America’s top holiday commemorating foreign (but also closely tied) cultures of the world. And just like St. Patrick’s Day, there is a fair bit of beer and fun to be had. In order to help you dress the part, we here at are holding our annual Cinco de Mayo Hat Sale. That’s right Amigos, from the 25h of April until the first of May you can shave 20% off of your entire cart. Now that’s a pinata full of savings!

There is no hat on Earth more representative (at least to Americans) of Mexican culture and traditions than the storied sombrero. But don’t be fooled by its symbolic nature, sombreros also make great practical hats for anyone living in a warm and sunny climate. Unparalleled in their ability to provide shade, these rustic pieces are lightweight and perfect for a summer’s day fishing, working in the yard, or even napping under a shady tree. But make sure you don’t sleep on our May 5th sale, when savings will be as hot as a tamale!Custom Embroidered Hats for Cinco de Mayo
If you are looking for something a tad more subtle this May 5th, but want to make sure you are still giving proper homage to the holiday, a Sombrero might be a bit too much. For those of you looking to employ a bit of a lighter touch with your margaritas and chips this year, look no further than our custom embroidered hat selection. During our Cinco De Mayo Sale, our machines will be running at full speed, custom stitching hats with all sorts of festive patches. Commemorate the holiday with a bottle of tequila on your hat, a flag of Mexico itself, or even a simple message that reads “Happy Cinco De Mayo.” Whatever you are thinking, we definitely have you covered. Just let us know and we will ship the hat out to you faster than a Mexican jumping bean, 20% off during the sale!However you decide to celebrate the big upcoming day, make sure to do it with respect and appreciation for all of the great aspects of Mexican culture. We will definitely be celebrating with a quiet burrito or two, here at our offices. The Patron might even come out, who knows! What are your plans? Whatever they are, have a happy and safe May 5th!