With Father’s Day right around the corner, sons and daughters across the county scramble to fulfill their filial duty and come up with an awesome gift for the old man’s big day. If you are one of these 11th hour shoppers, good news!e4Hats.com is launching a huge sale just in time for the all-important day of fatherly honor. From 6/4 to 6/14 you can save twenty percent by using the coupon code “fathers20” while picking out something sweet for the ole’ boy. Our low specialty prices and wide selection of custom embroidered hats means that you will have no problem finding the perfect fit for your dear old Papa. So without further ado let’s check out some great gift ideas from the internet’s leading provider of custom embroidered hats and hat accessories!
Embroidered hats and caps
A bit of hyperbole never hurt anyone, and in fact, dear old dad has been known to string a yarn or two about a “fish that was this big” or the like. Why not spoil him with a bit of your own hyperbolic language in the form of a “World’s Greatest Dad” custom embroidered Father’s Day cap from e4Hats.com? After all, letting Dad know that you see him as the superlative father-figure will go a long way towards warming the old boy’s heart. Grab one now for the world’s number one deal on embroidered hats!
Fedoras and Classic Father’s Day Hats
If embroidered hats aren’t Pop’s thing, you can go with something a bit more refined. The fedora is a well-worn symbol of classic masculine coolness, to which dear old dad is certainly no stranger. With a tip of the hat, you can put yourself in Dad’s good graces this Father’s Day, so head on down with your coupon code at the ready. The wide selection is only a click away!
Safari and Gambler Hats
They say Papa was a rolling stone, and wherever he laid his hat was his home. As the song so poetically implies, having a cool hat is step one to being a true rambling man. Whether it is the iconic safari hat so often worn by great hunters in the past, or the roguish gambler hatevocative of riverboat cruises and bluffs in a Wild West saloon. While an embroidered hat is a great father’s day gift, these knavish accessories would go well alongside any baseball cap or customized piece.
Bucket Hat
The fisherman’s or “bucket” hat is a fatherly staple the world over, and conjures up images of a pudgy sportsman sipping beers of an evening on and old rotting peer. If that isn’t Dad we don’t know what is. Make sure this Father’ Day sale isn’t the one that got away. Head on over to the shop and drop in “father20” to rope in a killer discount.
June 20th is a great opportunity to let your father know how much you appreciate all the things he has done for you. Don’t let the chance slip by. Show Dad that, in your book at least, he is most certainly the greatest!