The wind is swirling dead leaves, the kids are tucked away in their school books, and people begin to chat about football once again. Could it be? Is the blessed fall really making its way back to us at last? We could certainly use some cooler weather, for one thing, and for another, it is refreshing to see all the new fashion that a pleasant autumn tends to bring in. Here at, fall hats are among our favorite of the year, and we’ve got all sorts of dazzling selections just as numerous as that pile of leaves you’re surely raking. We are launching a special discount to get you decked out for the Patriot Day. That’s right, our Patriot Day Sale is here! From 9/1 to 9/7 we are shaving 25% off of all prices. No need to enter a coupon code, just check out and embrace the savings! Let’s check out what we’ve got in store for you as the colors change, shall we?

Patriot Day Sale! Our Selected Fall Hats
Warm hats
It’s no secret that cooler weather is well on the way, and if you are ill prepared for winter’s icy grip, then it is never too early to start seeing to your cold-weather wardrobe. We have a myriad of patterns, styles, colors, and materials to choose from— each one as unique and special as the snowflakes that are surely on the horizon. So make some space in your closet and fill up your cart with our warm hats today!
Faux Fur Hats
Fur is a luxurious material to be sure, but the real deal is widely unpopular for obvious reasons. Thankfully, there is a solution that lets you enjoy the feel of fur without any of the harm done to animals. Check out our wide selection of “simulated” fur hats, for the glorious feel of fur without any of the guilt!
They say a classic never dies, and fall is often the appropriate time to dust off an old cherry. The fedora is a symbol of the gutsy American gumshoe, the savvy ad man, and so much more. So, if you are looking for new and hip fall hats, seek ye no further!
Trooper Hats
Depending on where you live, fall may be a time of harsh winds and rapidly dropping temperatures. For those of you residing in such climes, your friends here at have just the thing- warm fall hats! Talking about the warm fall hats, how can you missing trooper hats? A trooper hat is an intensely warm, unique look that is sure to turn heads and to keep your own head well protected from those harsh elements that are just right around the corner.
Fuzzy Animal Novelty Hats
At last, for the kiddos out there, we have something a bit silly and yet immensely practical. Our wide selection of novelty hats will have your young ones hoping to “catch them all”. Now, bundling up against the cold is fun and easy, and you get to imitate a lion, a tiger, a bear. Oh my!
We are super excited that fall is finally on the way. In between raking up giant piles of leaves and tuning into football games, we promise to keep you supplied with the latest fashion— and all the fall hats you can handle. So sit back and enjoy a good browse!