Memorial Day is right around the corner, and it is high time to set aside a reflective hour in which to honor and cherish the men and women who have sacrificed so much to fight for our country. We here at want to do our part. So, for three days (from 5/20 – 5/23) we are slashing prices and offering a 20% discount across the board. We’ve got a wide array of military hats and accessories, check out our awesome Memorial Day Hats.

Memorial Day Hats - Military Patches
A good military hat is customizable, and our military patches are aimed at giving you options specific to particular engagements and events in military history. We’ve got a patch for just about every conflict in recent memory, so swing down and peruse for a new patch today.Memorial Day Hats - Civil War Hats
Some military hats are less about recognizing service in modern times, and more about reenacting huge events from our nation’s storied past. Civil war recreation is a big time hobby among American military history buffs, and we are ready and waiting to help you get into character. We’ve got a wide and historically accurate selection of civil war hats from the war between the states, ready for your perusal.Memorial Day Hats - Veteran Hats
Many Vietnam vets have a need to locate others who’ve had a similar experience and also to be recognized by fellow soldiers from time to time. Mostly, these military hats make a statement: “I served, I was there.” This helps an old veteran to be appreciated and recognized for all the great things they have done to keep our freedoms free. Buy one veteran hat for a veteran you know today.However, you decide to mark the occasion, make sure that you pay proper homage to the people who have spilt their blood, sweat, and tear to protect our great land and its cherished institutions. Whatever the purpose, you’ll have a great time browsing through our military hat selection this Memorial Day.