How to Donate or Support the Cause
There are several ways for you to support this cause. Additionally, there are many places you can donate money to breast cancer research including donating on the Susan G. Komen Foundation website here. You can show your support for the cause with a breast cancer hat, embroidered pink ribbon beanie, pink ribbon headband, t-shirts, stickers and more. Most of the money made on these items retailers sell all October long is given back to support breast cancer research.
Breast Cancer History
Breast cancer has been around since the dawn of modern civilization. It is characterized by small lumps and tumors on the body, more specifically the breast. Unlike other internal cancers the visible lumps and tumors led to early physicians ability to document and report on this disease. When cancer first began to be diagnosed, early detection was difficult because it was seen as a more taboo issue and was not publicly discussed. That drastically lowered the survival rate. The pink ribbon was adopted as the symbol of breast cancer in the early 1900's. The first documented case of breast cancer was over 3500 years ago! Early physicians tried many forms of treatment to combat this disease, including opium, caster oil, licorice, sulfur, and other salves.
Early on, doctors thought this cancer was caused by a number of reasons ranging from curdled milk and a sedentary lifestyle all the way to lack of sex, depressive disorders and even spoiled milk. In 1757 the first breast cancer surgery was performed and by the 19th century advances in antiseptic and anesthesia made this the new number one treatment method. As the years have gone by physicians have been able to find preventative tips to lower your chance of developing breast cancer.
There are Breast Cancer support groups popping up all across the world.
These are few preventative modern methods to decrease your chances of developing breast cancer.
- Maintain a healthy weight.
- Participate in daily exercise or another physical activity.
- Limiting consumption of alcohol.
- Eating nutritious food and maintaining a balanced diet.
- Don't smoke, or quit smoking if you do.

If you end up developing breast cancer there are three treatment methods that you will be presented with. With any surgery there are no guarantees, but survival rates have drastically increased over the last 30 years.
- Surgery
- Medication
- Radiation
Breast Cancer Awareness Groups
In the early 1900's breast cancer awareness groups began to pop up, informing women about breast cancer, early detection, prevention, and causes of the disease. Groups like the Susan G. Komen Foundation, the American Breast cancer Foundation, and websites like have really made a big difference in the survival rates in women with breast cancer.
The breast cancer awareness movement has actually had some great accomplishments over the past 30 years including:
- Environmental toxins and other triggers of breast cancer are now closely studied and more regulated.
- Breast conserving surgical treatments are now offered whenever possible.
- There are hundreds of new support groups for women fighting against breast cancer.
- Hospitals now have a breast cancer centers that allows patients to meet with their surgeon, plastic surgeon, medical oncologist, and radiation oncologist in the same room at the same time.
- As a country we raise millions for research each year.
- We have changed our belief that the most aggressive treatment for cancer, is the best treatment.
- Second opinions are more widely accepted than ever. Opening minds to alternative views and techniques.
Breast Cancer Organizations
- Susan G. Komen for the Cure
- American Breast Cancer Foundation
- Breast Cancer Research Foundation
- Avon Foundation
- American Cancer Society
- National Breast Cancer Foundation
Whether you wear hats for breast cancer awareness month, or donate money online to your favorite foundation you will be supporting a great cause.