If you are lucky enough to have an opportunity to get away this summer, we here at e4Hats.com sincerely hope you jump on it! With the kids out of school, the weather bright and sunshiny, and awesome vacation hats from our wide selection, the world can really be your oyster. Where do you want to go this year? Will you sip espresso in a European Café? Hike through the jungle in South America? Slurp noodles in some Asian street market? There is simply so much to do and see when you step out for a while, but the last thing you want to have to worry about is making sure you’ve got the proper headwear. Let us here at the internet’s premier vacation hats department make sure your travel plans come off without a hitch.
Don’t forget that this weekend (From 7/22 to 7/25) we are launching a huge summer vacation sale! Enter promo code e4Hats20 for massive savings on all hats and accessories!
However you decide to dress, and wherever you decide to go, summer is a great time to take a break from the ordinary. Set sail for new destinations, try new styles and make sure to check out the awesome vacation hats and accessories from your travel-friendly partners here at e4Hats.com.
Roll-up Visor Hats
Good vacation hats should be easy to pack above all else. With that in mind, we’ve got a huge selection of roll up visors just aching to be stuffed into that already overfilled piece of luggage. These visors keep your skin protected from all of those exotic sunbeams as well and come in a huge variety of shades and shapes. Check them out today!Bucket Hats
Proper vacation hats should also be sturdy and practical, and there are few choices more rugged and ready than the bucket hat. This fisherman’s hat is straight out of central casting, and is made from thick and protective material so that you can pass through all of the world’s rough patches unscathed!UV vacation hats
If you are going anywhere near the equator, your vacation hat needs to be one that offers pretty serious protection. Strong UV rays are no joke, and the last thing you want when you are out touring all day is to come home and find your skin peeling because you forgot to cover up. For those of you who want to be prepared, we offer a dazzling array of protective UV vacation hats. These hats are designed for maximum protection and keep your sensitive areas shaded from the harsh rays of the sun. Check out our wide selection and ban the burn from your next excursion!Outback Hats
These light, straw cowboy-style hats make all around awesome travel or vacation hats. While they block the sun, the extremely light weight material makes them easy to wear and transport. And, to make a silly Australian pun, they simply look “good on ya!”However you decide to dress, and wherever you decide to go, summer is a great time to take a break from the ordinary. Set sail for new destinations, try new styles and make sure to check out the awesome vacation hats and accessories from your travel-friendly partners here at e4Hats.com.