We’ve entered the long an arduous mid to late summer here in the northern hemisphere, and it is scorching outside. We hope your A/C is in tip-top working order, and that your ice machine produces copious amounts of cubes for cool drinks. As we move on into the dog days, staying cool becomes a matter of self-preservation. Dehydration, heat stroke, and sunburn are nothing to joke about, and you’ll want to make sure you and yours are well protected from the elements, wherever you go. The colorful warehouses of e4Hats.com are filled with creative and stylish solutions for the blazing sunshine. What’s more, we are launching a huge SUMMER SALE for all your fashion needs. No need to enter a coupon code, just fill up your cart between July 7th and 13th and you’ll save 25% on all purchase. That’s right, it is a whole quarter of the total price shaved off to keep you cool all summer long. Now on to the hats, shall we?

Our Selected Summer Sale Hat
Hemp Hats
Hemp is a great material and makes for a fantastic summer hat. The lightweight, breathable nature of help means that it allows the head maximum breathability. It also had a sort of rustic, salt of the earth feel about it, perfect for barbeques and other fun outdoor activities. Because of restrictive laws in the past, hemp has never gotten the love and attention it deserves – now is the time!
Raffia Hats
These floppy, big hats are perfect for the elegant lady who wishes to spend a day at the beach without coming out of the experience with her skin the color of a baked lobster. As all hats you’ll pick up at our summer sale, raffia hats are very lightweight and breathable, and make quite the fashion statement— they really draw the eye!
Outback Hats
The Australian answer to the American cowboy hat, outback hats are considered to be rugged and macho. Perfect for those long walkabouts a la Crocodile Dundee. Now, during our summer sale, you can grab one of these down under fashion statements for pennies on the dollar.
Coolie Hats
Made famous by Asian laborers, the coolie hat is emblematic of all things eastern. When it comes to staying cool in the summer, a rice farmer is probably the type of person you’d want to trust! So check out this and other weird and wonderful headpieces during our exclusive summer sale going on this week!
However you decide to spend the hottest days of summer, make sure you take care of yourself, don’t get overheated and drink plenty of good old H20. Sorry for sounding like your mother, but we care about all of our customers, and don’t want to see you looking like a baked potato any time soon! Now that our lecture is done, head on over and check out our wide selection of summer hats, now available with our summer sale discount. You are sure to be satisfied!