The nineteen twenties were an epoch that still captures the imagination of those living in this, our 21st century world. With a new and roaring attitude and an elegance born out of the nineteenth century charm still intact, the twenties were most definitely a time that many “classic” styles and fashions were first conceived and brought into popularity. These days it often seems like many of these “old fashioned” ways of dressing have never truly faded out, and when you look at what is trending there are quite a few items that definitely qualify as “old school cool”. As you head back to school, or even just take a breath after the scorching summer, take a trip to the past with the now trending retro look from!
The Newsboy Cap
A cap with far more names than it needs (even called a “Gatsby hat” after the Fitzgerald novel), the classic “newsboy” is a treasured icon in the history of good looking headwear. While these modified flat caps were originally the item of choice for young men, they now come in a selection varied enough for people of all types.
A Newsboy cap is usually signified by the button at the top of the crown and a sort of rugged masculinity. As they were typically worn by the working class, these street-wise headpieces are strongly suggestive of individuality and hard work.
The Ivy Cap
A bit more on the refined side, an ivy cap has a very small and stiff brim and no button on top. Often made of wool or tweed, the ivy cap speaks of the English middle class, equestrians, or a Saturday spent at a fashionable golf course.
News “girl” Caps
Although it was primarily men who brought the newsboy hat into fashion, there were “controversial” flapper girls in the nineteen twenties who made this style their own. Whether you go for a pink version of the blue collar favorite, or opt for some other form of accent or feather in your cap, you can be proud to follow in the footsteps of these establishment shattering women.
Sequins, studs, and patterns!
For those who are really looking for a more flamboyant style, we have traditional newsboy caps with decidedly untraditional patterns and sequins. Get in touch with your wild side by trying on a purple zebra sequin cap, or else get a little funky with a girl’s polka dot cabby hat. Whatever your particular taste and swag we have the perfect newsboy hat to fit it. Check out the dizzying array of patterns to be found on!
While modern technology has certainly made our lives more convenient and comfortable, it is hard not to feel at times that some subtle elegance has not been lost in the many years since flapper girls and gin soaked speakeasies. Why not be part of the renaissance of fashion happening right now, and give proper homage to those charming souls who came before us by sporting some real 1920 style accessories from e4hats.