With more about more data being released every single day, sun protection is one of the most important health issues facing us today. There is a 3-Step process for tackling this widespread epidemic. The first step being awareness, the second step is information and education and the last step is implementation. With the information found here and this 3-Step process, you can keep both you and your loved ones educated, safe, and happy for the rest of their lives. Some great sun protection tips and links to great sun protection hats can be found in this video below.
Step 1: Awareness
There are so many people out there who spend most of their waking moments outdoors. They claim to be informed about the importance of proper UV sun protection and sun protection hats. But the harsh reality is that they have been fed a series of false information about proper sun care. The more people that know about the importance of the proper sun protection the better. Awareness breeds education and education facilitates change. So many of us think that we know everything about skin protection, but in reality there are many misconceptions out there. Here are some common misconceptions and myths about sun care.
Sun Care Myths
Myth: Tanning booths are safe as long as they do not contain UVB Rays.
Reality: The reality is while many tanning beds say they do not feature UVB rays they do however utilize UVA rays which can penetrate even deeper and is the same if not more exposure than the sun
Myth: You don't need sunscreen on a cloudy day, right?
Reality: While you might not be able to see the suns harmful ray they are still present. They can even be magnified by the cloud vapor and can be even more dangerous than a sunny day.
Myth: Do sunburns cause more damage than a suntan?
Reality: Just because you do not burn does not mean that you are safe from the suns harmful rays. Everybody's skin is different and should be protected. Higher SPF sunscreen and the proper head wear can keep you protected all spring and summer.
Myth: It takes years to be affected by harmful UV rays.
Reality: Sun protection is just as important in year one than it is on year 65. Some signs might not show right away but trust us they will rear their ugly heads soon enough.
Myth: As long as I stay out of direct sunlight I will be protected.
Reality: Staying out of direct sunlight might help but you cannot overlook the proper protection. SPF sunscreen and the proper head wear will help you stay protected.
Myth: You do not have to worry about skin protection if you have dark skin.
Reality: This is the number one misconception. Dark skin is not a barrier to the suns harmful rays.
By informing the public about the importance of skin protection we can spread awareness about the growing importance of UV protection. Tell you family, tell your friends, spread the news to your social following. If we do not act now, it will be too late.

Step 2: Information and Education
We cannot blame the public for not being informed. They have been fed myths and misconceptions for so many years. Information and education starts with you. For every person that becomes educated they will share their new found knowledge with someone else. It has to start somewhere and it starts with you. There are great resources available to you about sun care like The Doctors. There are other great resources like Skincancer.org and government support from the CDC regarding sun protection for our youth. One of the better ways to stay protected from the sun is with a hat specially designed to give you optimum protection from the sun that can be found here.

Step 3: Implementation
The last and most important step in this process is implementation. It is one thing to talk about proper skin care and sun but it is another to act on it. Changes in skin care start in the home. If you instill in you family the importance of the proper skin protection and outdoor head wear you can feel safe knowing that you protected your family to the best of your ability and you have made a huge impact on them living a long, happy and healthy life. Lead by example and take care of your own skin. If you instill the importance of skin protection at a young age, it will have the greatest impact on your children and your family's life. Proper UV protection does not have to mean that you have to sacrifice style and comfort. There are so many great new options to consider, whether it is a great sun protection hat, and higher SPF Sunscreen, basic sun care tips and techniques, or maintaining proper sun exposure limits. With this simple 3-Step plan you will have all the tool you will need. All of these factors work together to keep you and all of your friends and family safe, happy, and healthy for many years to come.

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