What could possibly make the festive Christmas season even better? A winter trip of course! Taking some time to step out of your comfort zone, to experience some new sights and sounds this Christmas may be just what the doctor ordered. While home and hearth are splendid this time of year, winter wonderlands await across this great land of ours, and a world covered in glistening snow is certainly a joy to behold. In order to fully appreciate what a frosty vacation may have to offer, let your friends here at the internet’s leading hat supplier help outfit you with a bit of winter trip gear. The last thing you want is to arrive at your destination feeling ill-prepared, with a bare noggin, frozen fingertips and a chill down your spine. Let’s look at all the ways you can deck yourself out and make your winter plans that much more enjoyable this year. Fireplace not included!

Here are Our Selected Hats for Winter Trip Gear
Stretch Beanies
What winter trip gear roundup would be complete without the stretch beanie? This international symbol of the intrepid winter traveler is as hip as anything you’ll see in the summer months. Time to hit the slopes and embrace the “ski bum” lifestyle for a spell— now available in an assortment of colors.
Pom Beanies
If you’d rather be cute than hip, we’ve got the winter trip gear you need to pull off the look. A pom beanie is a delightful and festive version of the traditional head covering, vaguely elfin, and is suitable for any kind of chilly adventure you can dream up. Also looks absolutely adorable on the kids!
Ear Muffs
Three cheers for the ears! These little appendages do so much for us and suffer so badly during Jack Frost’s icy reign. If you are headed somewhere where the winds blow cold, you’ll want to check out our winter trip gear ear muffs selection. Get ready to move through the world with the confidence of knowing your ears aren’t about to fall off!
Quality winter trip gear is all about maximizing the experience, despite the elements and their many attempts to befoul your good time. In any sojourn among snowflakes, one of the best items you can bring along is going to be a well-crafted, thick pair of winter gloves. Frostbite is a very real thing, especially in the far north, so best take a little time to sort yourself out with some gloves from e4Hats.com. We’ve got a variety of styles, materials, and sizes for you to choose from.
Whatever corner of the globe you choose to explore this year, make sure your winter trip gear is an important part of your plans.